Gideon said to the angel, “Please, my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us, saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?’”(Judg. 6:13). Gideon asks a good question. They were fearful. They are doing their work in private. Getting on with life, threshing wheat in a winepress so the enemy won’t find them. That was Gideon before God called him out.
The enemy wins every day you don’t go out to fight.
Satan does not win the war. We know that. In the words of the old gospel group, the Cathedrals, “I’ve read the back of the book and we win.”1
But we’re still in the game. Think about it as the fourth quarter. At times it can feel out of control, like we’re losing. We see fumbles or losses on the field and wring our hands. We can lose perspective about the big picture—that the victory is already ours, but it is not always manifested around us every day. Yet, if we look, we can see Him at work, in the battle. Will we go out, in all circumstances, or will we hide?
He never called us to worry and wring our hands. In fact, on about 290-plus occasions, He says do not worry—or fear, or fret—because He is with us. So, you either believe that’s true or you don’t. If you’re wringing your hands and worrying about the state of the world, you don’t believe what He says. You may say, “Well, I really do. I just don’t show it sometimes.” Right. That means you really don’t believe it. You’re lying to yourself. Satan loves it when you do that. It saves him a trip, and some arrows. However, he will show up if he thinks he can steal a day or a month or years of your life by keeping you in hiding. He wins those battles. He wins those days.
How many days has he won so far?
How many more will you allow him to win?
How many days has satan chalked up in the win column simply because you chose not to fight, not to resist?
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