As I’ve followed Christ, I’ve seen how He dealt with and still deals with the enemy. I look at the character of Christ and see how He acted. Since He IS the armor, how did He treat the enemy and how did He treat people? I know he came as a baby, grew as a child, then as an adult, He lived His life and had a ministry of reconciliation…but I see very little wrath. The Old Testament has a lot of wrath in it. And yes, in the New Testament there is some righteous indignation when Christ turned over the tables and made the whip to drive out those selling in the temple. But I know He and the Trinity are One and have the same characteristics – but I just see very little wrath in Christ.
I asked God, “Why do I see so little wrath in Christ?”
In my imagination, I sensed Jesus look at God the Father, then look at God the Spirit, then back at me, and say in a very focused tone, “Oh, we’re not done yet. Have you read Revelation?”
He came as a baby, but when He comes back, it will be as a warrior.
Jesus gave us Himself, who IS the armor, during His time on earth. There is a time coming when the enemy will be vanquished forever. So, we will not need the armor in heaven. Until then, as we live on this fallen planet, the battle ensues. Christ spent His time here defending, and rescuing. He gives us His armor and the same opportunities to defend and rescue. Wrath will come later. For now, armor up!
When you do show up at the pearly gates after your death, do not show up wearing shiny, tiny armor. That would only be proof that you never prepared for or engaged in battle for His sake. Show up battle-weary and battle-worn—and personally meet the Armor Himself.
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