Let me tell you a short story. I was talking with a man who was not a follower of Christ. He and his wife had attended two different types of church on and off over the last twenty-nine years. They came to our church, and at one point he said to me, “You guys are always talking about Jesus.” To which I replied with a smile, “Jesus is a pretty big deal around here.”
In the conversation that followed, it became obvious that they had never accepted the gift Christ offers. They had not chosen to follow Him. They were not His. They knew about Him, but they had not become His.
Then the next week, the man said, “I feel like I have been beaten up since I was five years old.”
I held that thought and came back to it a bit later. I said, “Do you want to know why you have felt beaten up since you were five? You have no armor.”
They both stared at me with question marks on their faces.
I told them to open the Bible they had with them and read Ephesians 6:10–20. They did that silently together, then both looked back up at me. The looks on their faces were priceless. “What the heck is all that about? Armor?”
I said, “No wonder you’ve felt beaten up since you were five. The enemy has had a clean shot any time he wanted. You’ve been running around spiritually naked for your whole life! You have been pummeled by flaming arrows from the enemy for all these years. You need to grow in Christ.”
Thankfully this couple did believe who Christ is in their hearts, and now follow Him as Lord of their lives. They are now building their armor.
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