
Don’t just stand there getting pummeled…If you’re not fighting, you’re losing ground

You’re two weeks in to this new year. And the enemy is already at it. Working to frustrate your resolutions. But one thing you must resolve and stay at it…putting on the whole armor of God!

Yes, your name is written on a whiteboard in hell, and the enemy has desires to make you fall back, become useless in this Kingdom of Christ you serve as an ambassador. Satan is against anything that looks like Christ.

Your salvation Helmet is not actually yours…

It’s not actually your helmet, its Christ’s helmet…and He gives it to you. He secured your salvation. He scoured your helmet. It’s His initial gift to you.That salvation helmet is not actually your helmet. It is Christ’s helmet. He has purchased it and given it to each of us personally. But you have to do something with that helmet.

The armor became a baby.

As I’ve followed Christ, I’ve seen how He dealt with and still deals with the enemy. I look at the character of Christ and see how He acted. Since He IS the armor, how did He treat the enemy and how did He treat people? I know he came as a baby, grew as a child, then as an adult, He lived His life and had a ministry of reconciliation…but I see very little wrath. The Old Testament has a lot of wrath in it. And yes, in the New Testament there is some righteous indignation when Christ turned over the tables and made the whip to drive out those selling in the temple. But I know He and the Trinity are One and have the same characteristics – but I just see very little wrath in Christ.

I asked God, “Why do I see so little wrath in Christ?”

In my imagination, I sensed Jesus look at God the Father, then look at God the Spirit, then back at me, and say in a very focused tone, “Oh, we’re not done yet. Have you read Revelation?”

We need each other to build armor together!

The closer we are to each other, the more we can share the truth and faith we’ve found in Christ.

…praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. (Ephesians 6:18–20)

We need each other to share shields, and to build armor together.

Not all people have their shield built to the same degree or specifications as others. We are all in process, and the building never stops—because our belief in God can and should grow until we die. Shields are always under construction … and under attack.

Satan Will Stop at Nothing to Try to Make You Ineffective at Whatever You Do

As we grow up, we establish habits we don’t even know about. We develop ways of dealing with life. We don’t know arrows that there are flying from the enemy. But we all do know about pain, anxiety, disappointment, tragedy,…

Don’t go into battle with a Tupperware lid and a pickle spear!

We have many disciples who went before us to show us how to armor up. They are our witnesses to tell us how life goes when you go with Christ. And He was and is our greatest example.

Satan is smarter than you alone.

Satan is smarter than you alone. He knew the Word before the Word became flesh. He knew Jesus before Jesus became Jesus. I’m not saying he is smarter than Jesus…but he is smarter than you “alone”. So don’t be alone! Have Christ on you!…and other beside you!

Never fight naked!

Let me tell you a short story. I was talking with a man who was not a follower of Christ. He and his wife had attended two different types of church on and off over the last twenty-nine years. They came to our church, and at one point he said to me, “You guys are always talking about Jesus.” To which I replied with a smile, “Jesus is a pretty big deal around here.”

You will not win the battles you do not fight.

You may have been hypnotized by the enemy. You are comfortable and have cleared out a nice little spot for yourself. You want to think you are covered enough, but in your heart, you know you’re not.

How much armor do you need?

Starting PointTwo important things to remember as you move from naked to armored up:One – We tend to be able to remember the names of the armor pieces, but forget what they represent. We tend to remember the illustration and not the point of the illustration. We must know the pieces. More importantly, we must know what they represent—and build them!Two – Each piece of the armor IS Christ.